In the loaning process the disruptive innovation we would do is instead of having to request for a loan by walking into the bank, you should be able to request online and compete the loan process online. The person could submit the necessary paper confidentially online. This way would save people time and loan could be approved or denied quicker. This way would save gas and money by doing everything online. There no more long waited lines waiting to talk to someone about a requesting a loan. The online application for a loan could be done with a person online through
Skype or Facetime or a private PNC video chat. I'm not sure if they have an online loan process already set up. In interviews I find out that they do an application online but they must bring the application to the bank to request for a loan. We think by doing the process online not only will we save people a trip to the bank but we will also save paper that would of been used for requesting the loan. The big disruptive innovation we were thinking is creating an app that people can request private loan on and video chat a representative of PNC Bank and the app will show them through the process and tell them if they got approved or denied. PNC Bank is a big part of the city of Pittsburgh this app will not only save people time but also is a sustainability option because we will be saving paper and gas. PNC has a virtual wallet app but I think within that app there can be a function where you can request for a loan and see if you get a approved or not.
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